Reference, Terminology and Guide

Netpod Corporation / Mayaritech Globalware Solutions Corporation   Netpod has been in the Information Technology business since 2004. We are proud to say that we have websites as well as clients that has been with us since we have started. Having said that, we have accumulated thousands of websites and added them to our affiliate marketing program. With the help of our affiliates we can specifically target the appropriate market for your website. To start you off please see As a worry free ecommerce user you will be have premium benefits for your ads. This is only one of them  
Email is free but the capacity is limited to the maximum 2gb hosting provided by Worry Free E-commerce.
Paid separately based on revisions and edit requested by Vendor or Online Seller.
Free Hosting is up to 2gb only. Enjoy worry free E-commerce website with free hosting you can add as many products as you want as long as you dont go over the 2gb hosting limit. In the even that you exceeded the maximum hosting limit your site will not go down but you will be offerred the option to increase your hosting package.
Technical Support shall be provided using email and ticketing system. Vendor or Online Seller shall provide Mayaritech Personnel atleast 5 days to perform the requested technical support